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Shocking new video from inside an Aurora cooperative pig factory farm in Brazil exposes piglets squealing in agony while workers grind down their teeth, slice off their tails, and cut holes in their ears, all without any pain relief. Meanwhile, mother pigs are crammed into tiny gestation crates so small they can’t even turn around or lie down comfortably. Aurora products are sold in Grupo Pão de Açúcar (GPA) stores, including Pão de Açúcar, Extra, and Assaí.
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Tell Grupo Pão de Açúcar to Stop Selling Pork From Confined and Mutilated Pigs
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Dear Grupo Pão de Açúcar (GPA),

I am outraged by the shocking images recently taken at an Aurora cooperative pig factory farm.

The video shows workers grinding down the teeth, slicing off the tails, and cutting holes in the ears of piglets without any pain relief. Sick and hurt animals are shown suffering from untreated injuries and illnesses. And mother pigs are crammed into tiny crates so small they can’t even turn around or lie down comfortably.

These terrible practices have no place in a civilized society.

A recent survey conducted by IPSOS in Brazil showed more than 80 percent of those interviewed agree that supermarket chains should stop selling products that are the result of animal cruelty.

Many major food providers in Brazil, including Nestlé, McDonald’s, Burger King, and Subway, have already implemented policies requiring their pork producers to phase out gestation crates.

As the largest food retail company in Brazil, GPA has the power and the moral responsibility to ban the worst forms of animal suffering throughout its entire meat, egg, and dairy supply chains, including eliminating mutilations without pain relief and ending the use of intensive confinement methods such as gestation crates.

Please take a stand against animal suffering by immediately implementing these policy changes today.

Thank you,
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Hell for Pigs


Mother pigs crammed into tiny gestation crates so small they can't even turn around


Piglets purposely mutilated in front of their stressed mothers without any pain relief

Driven Insane

Stressed and frustrated animals repeatedly biting the bars of their pens


Sick and injured animals suffering without proper treatment

Expert Statements
The following countries and states have banned the use of gestation crates.
Rhode Island
Czech Republic
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Pigs Deserve Our Compassion
When given the chance, pigs exhibit exceptional levels of intelligence. Pigs are highly social animals with considerable learning and problem-solving abilities. According to Dr. Donald Broom at Cambridge University, pigs "have the cognitive ability to be quite sophisticated. Even more so than dogs and certainly [more so than] three-year olds."
Os porcos apresentam níveis excepcionais de inteligência. Eles são animais altamente sociáveis e com habilidades consideráveis ​​de aprendizagem e resolução de problemas. De acordo com o Dr. Donald Broom, da Universidade de Cambridge, os porcos "têm a capacidade cognitiva bastante sofisticada". Mais do que os cães e certamente [mais do que] uma criança de três anos de idade.
In gestation crates, pigs are deprived of all mental stimulation. Many pigs are driven mad from boredom, depression, and stress, and exhibit stereotypical neurotic behaviors like bar biting or banging their heads against their cages.
Em celas de gestação, as porcas são privadas de praticamente todas as atividades que lhes seriam naturais. Muitas delas enlouquecem com o tédio, a depressão e o estresse, e exibem comportamentos neuróticos, como morder as barras de metal das celas ou balançar suas cabeças sem parar.
In nature, pigs are social, playful, protective animals who bond with each other, relax in the sun, and cool off in the mud. Pregnant pigs will find a quiet, secluded place to build a soft nest where they can care for their piglets. Pigs also love to dig with their snouts in the soil, looking for tasty roots, tubers, and other underground treats.
Na natureza, os porcos são animais brincalhões, protetores e sociáveis, criando fortes vínculos familiares e de amizade. Eles relaxam ao sol e se refrescam na lama. As porcas podem encontrar um lugar calmo e isolado para construir um ninho confortável, onde podem cuidar de seus porquinhos. Os porcos também adoram cavar com o focinho no solo, procurando por raízes saborosas e tubérculos.
On industrial farms, pregnant pigs in gestation crates are unable to turn around, walk, play, lie down comfortably, or do nearly anything that comes naturally to them. Many pigs develop painful pressure sores and crippling leg deformities from the hard concrete and metal bars of their cages.
Em granjas industriais, as porcas presas em celas de gestação são incapazes de se virar, caminhar, brincar, deitar-se confortavelmente ou de fazer outras coisas que lhes seriam naturais. Muitas delas desenvolvem feridas dolorosas, causadas pela pressão de seus corpos contra as barras de metal.
Pigs are considered one of the smartest animals, and they have extremely complex social lives similar to those of primates. If given the chance, many pigs sleep in cozy "pig piles" and love to cuddle with each other just like dogs do. Pigs are even known to dream!
Os porcos são considerados um dos animais mais inteligentes do mundo e têm vidas sociais extremamente complexas, semelhantes aos primatas. Quando lhes é permitido, os porcos dormem juntinhos e adoram abraçar-se, assim como os cães. Os porcos também sonham, assim como nós humanos.
But conditions for pigs on factory farms are a living nightmare. Locked in tiny gestation crates, mother pigs are kept in a constant cycle of pregnancy and birth. They never get to cuddle with their piglets, who are taken away from them before they are even three weeks old.
Mas a vida dos porcos nas granjas industriais é um verdadeiro pesadelo. Presas em pequenas celas de gestação, as porcas são mantidas em um ciclo constante de gestação e parto, tratadas como meras máquinas produtoras de carne. Eles nunca têm a oportunidade de aconchegar-se com seus leitões, que são levados embora antes de completarem três semanas de idade.

The best way for individual consumers to help end this suffering is to leave animals off their plates.

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